Saturday 10 October 2009

Lesson 1 --- Sentences of The Type "This is a book"

Lesson 1

Sentences of the type "This is a book"

Example ;

Kore wa hon-de su

this/these book(s) is/are

This/these is/are book(s)

The Japanese language has no article. Also the number, gender, and person are, for the most part, left unregarded. Hon may be one book or several books.

Whenever there is -wa, it's mean, the word is subject of the sentence.
Similarly, -de indicate the word is the predicate complement of the sentence.

The full form of the word for is, are, am is ari-masu, but in the real it is usually abbretiviated to the last syllable su. But, in a formal speech may be used the full form.

Key World :

-wa word-ending for subject
-de word-ending for predicate subject
su (arimasu) is, am, are
Key Words are the essential frame-work which is always used in forming the different sentences of the same type.
For example, if we want to make the different sentences but in the same type with this lesson, substituting sore in the place of kore.
Sore-wa hon-de su
that/those book(s) is/are
That/Those is/are book(s)

In the same way, if we want to make "I am a Man/Woman" sentence, make it in the same order with this type.

Watakushi-wa otoko/onna-de su

I man/woman am

I am man/woman

Thus you can make your own sentences.....with the Key Word and Vocabulary you can make many others.


kore this/these

sore that/those

hon book(s)

watakushi I, myself

onna man/ men

otoko woman/women